WooCommerce 8.5

Samenvatting update 8.5

  • enkele verbeteringen product editor
  • HPOS verbeteringen
  • blokken: checkout & allround woocommerce blokken verbetering
  • Verbeteringen aan de notices (notificaties van cart aanpassingen)
  • Verzending instellingen verbetering van WooCommerce 8.4
  • nieuwe CLI commando: wc hpos cleanup; info
  • logs: download knop in de status logs
  • logs: nu ook legacy rest api zichtbaar, info
  • logs: zoekveld is nu aanwezig
  • order attribution (opdrachttoeschrijving) vanaf 8.5 in core; info
  • site admin ontvangt een mailtje als een betaalmethode geactiveerd wordt
  • feature idee: bestandsnaam met sku koppeling, info

= 8.5.0 2024-01-09 =


  • Fix – Fix product task redirection to allow use for external and grouped products with the new product editor. #43051
  • Fix – Added missing CSS class on the empty-orders notice CTA in the My Account > Orders page #41325
  • Fix – Adds missing aria-label and tabindex HTML attributes to the Help tip element for “Product data” on “Add new product” page #42854
  • Fix – Add wc-settings to the footer when injecting wc-settings dependency #41790
  • Fix – Allow the password meter script to run, even if loaded at a different phase that it generally expects. #41822
  • Fix – Delete trashed orders after EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS as defined by WordPress (HPOS) #41949
  • Fix – Ensure cart totals are correctly calculated when using “Order again” #42921
  • Fix – Ensure the gateway activation email does not depend on the gateway title being stored in the settings option #42992
  • Fix – Fix: CYS – fix path images patterns. #42705
  • Fix – Fix: Display update quantity notice when using the cart shortcode. #42750
  • Fix – Fix: Ensure that new notice styles are visible. #42692
  • Fix – Fix: useEditorBlocks hook always returns an array. #41874
  • Fix – Fix an issue in which passing partial extensions data in Store API would return an error #42790
  • Fix – Fix daily testing workflows #42716
  • Fix – Fixed a vertical alignment issue in the variations selector #41369
  • Fix – Fix problems with pagination and filtering for the database logger list table view #41870
  • Fix – Fix product variation sale_price_dates_to not being set to 23:59:59 when it’s set via the variation bulk actions #41564
  • Fix – Fix shipping cost formatting to respect shipping formula #42916
  • Fix – Fix Shipping Settings add method modal description to allow for large text and links in the text #41954
  • Fix – Format postcode before validation on the shortcode cart shipping calculator #41917
  • Fix – Hide Variations tab, stock status and product list for specific product types #41946
  • Fix – Prevent fatal error when submitting an empty search query on the log files screen. #41847
  • Fix – Product Button: Trigger event experimental__woocommerce_blocks-cart-add-item in Products and Product Collection blocks. #42946
  • Fix – Provide an error message when trying to grant access without selecting a product #41682
  • Fix – Remove duplicate cookie headers from the response when adding multiple items to the cart programmatically. #42828
  • Fix – Remove padding for the products query when background is added #42817
  • Fix – Remove the potential for a Reflected XSS attack in relation to a dismissable notice in the edit comments screen. #42728
  • Fix – remove woocommerce-blocks from text domain substitution #42017
  • Fix – Revert Shipping Settings change of replacing tables, replace only for use in JS powered modals. #42795
  • Fix – Revert styles on Shipping Settings that depart from existing styles. #42738
  • Fix – Reviews by Product block: decode the product name in the Product selector input aria-label #42944
  • Fix – Shortcode cart checks for Store API reserved stock #42796
  • Fix – Update the check used to determine if the “Use same address for billing” box should be checked on the Checkout block. #42967
  • Fix – Use fallback colors when CSS variables are not available in admin. #41803
  • Fix – Use non-translated device type in Order Attribution meta data and tracks event. #42814
  • Add – Add a “back” button to Shipping Zone method configuration screens when adding a new method. #41958
  • Add – Add CLI command wc hpos cleanup to cleanup post and post meta data for migrated orders. #42848
  • Add – Added Easyship promotion to shipping task for AU, NZ, SG, HK. Removed SkydropX. #41852
  • Add – Add external and grouped products to the new A/B test of the product editor. #42934
  • Add – Add functionality and UI for downloading log files directly from WC Admin #41801
  • Add – Add improved functionality to the log file handler #41802
  • Add – Add logging and an admin notice for Legacy REST API usages #41804
  • Add – Add Order Attribution feature #39701
  • Add – Adds a search field to the log files list table screen that will do a partial match string search on the contents of all the files currently shown in the list table #41353
  • Add – Add several WooCommerce-related commands to the Command Palette #41605
  • Add – Adds new hook woocommerce_order_downloads_table_show_downloads to control rendering of the downloads table (classic templates only). #41449
  • Add – Add subscription install modal. #42009
  • Add – Add support for select fields in the experimental WooCommerce Blocks custom fields API. #42758
  • Add – Add support to the product editor to handle grouped product types as well #41639
  • Add – add product-linked feature flag #43006
  • Add – Auto-inserts Mini Cart block into Amulet theme headers patterns and template parts. #42899
  • Add – Auto-inserts Mini Cart block into Thriving Aritist theme headers patterns and template parts. #42910
  • Add – Auto-inserts Mini Cart block into Tsubaki theme headers patterns and template parts. #42911
  • Add – Auto-inserts Mini Cart block into TT2 theme headers patterns and template parts. #42813
  • Add – Auto-inserts Mini Cart block into TT3 theme headers patterns and template parts. #42760
  • Add – Auto-inserts Mini Cart block into Zaino theme headers patterns and template parts. #42912
  • Add – Automatically disable the feature plugins that have been merged into WooCommerce Core. #41956
  • Add – Create section description block #41929
  • Add – Display variation upsells from private variable products to users with required permissions. #30042
  • Add – Email the site admin when a payment gateway is enabled. #41645
  • Add – Feature: set product image when image filename matches a product sku #40076
  • Add – Introduce ability to add additional fields to Checkout block #42695
  • Add – Makes it possible to use existing action hook woocommerce_customer_save_address to detect customer address changes made via the admin environment. #39254
  • Add – Modify notice for legacy local attributes #41646 #41646
  • Add – Redirect users to new In-app marketplace installer if correct URL parameter is provided #42010
  • Add – Register product list block #41653
  • Add – Remove list/sale price from the General tab in grouped products #42909
  • Add – Show a warning modal when the user tries to leave the assember hub (CYS). #41596
  • Add – Support registering of custom block types for the new product editor. #41937
  • Add – The Track inventory toggle is not visible in the Inventory tab for grouped product types. #41640
  • Add – Use downloadable products configuration for uploads through wp/v2/media endpoint #42702
  • Add – [Product Block Editor]: replace description button by editable block #41862
  • Update – Add InternalInjection sniff and DisallowShortArraySyntax exceptions for blocks #42863
  • Update – Add InternalInjection sniff exceptions for blocks #42821
  • Update – Allow built in payment method descriptions to contain HTML when rendered on the block checkout. #42706
  • Update – CSY: Update copy when AI is offline. #41900
  • Update – Customize Your Store: Update the call to the the AI product endpoint to add the new last_product param to the request. #41842
  • Update – CYS: Reset products when the AI is offline. #41923
  • Update – Enable viewing context data in the database logger list table #41936
  • Update – Fix the wc_no_js script so it avoids specifying its type unless necessary. This aligns it with core WordPress functionality. #42753
  • Update – FlexSlider “fade” animations always use CSS3 transitions. #37692
  • Update – Hide the “Share feedback” button from the CYS preview step when AI is not available. #41781
  • Update – Remove deprecated use of position for Dropdown component, using popoverProps.placement instead. #41845
  • Update – Removed the Subscription product type from the ‘Add Product’ onboarding task list. #41778
  • Update – Remove the duplicated “Try to include” copy on the first CYS screen. #42960
  • Update – Remove use of deprecated conditional block in favour of hideConditions. #41845
  • Update – Render line breaks in messages in the database logger list table #42683
  • Update – Revise excluded order statuses for customer history. #42999
  • Update – Select text when focusing cost inputs on Shipping Settings modals. #42689
  • Update – Simple Product Template: set description entity to update from the Description block #42768
  • Update – Switch the default assembler theme to “Twenty-twenty four” #41736
  • Update – Tweaks for the CYS when the A.I is offline. #41656
  • Update – Tweaks to order attribution meta data and Tracks data. #42937
  • Update – Update Action Scheduler to 3.7.1 #42820
  • Update – Update cys task subheading #41771
  • Update – Update product template for external products, hiding shipping and variation tabs. #41824
  • Update – Update Shipping Settings zone method modal spinner on modal primary button. #42688
  • Update – update woo-gutenberg-products-block text domain to woocommerce in patterns and templates folders #42720
  • Update – update woo-gutenberg-products-block text domain to woocommerce in src folder #42718
  • Update – Update WooCommerce Blocks to 11.6.1 #41743
  • Update – Update WooCommerce Blocks to 11.7.0 #41876
  • Dev – Add link to documentation to Downloads section #41844 #41844
  • Dev – Add UTM group to product URL on the Discover page #41967
  • Dev – A number of test fixes based on the data collected from flaky test reporting #41768
  • Dev – Fixes the checkout test with better regex #41815
  • Dev – Migrate Playwright testing workflow from blocks repo to monorepo #42804
  • Dev – Update daily smoke test to run locally instead of against an external host #41560
  • Dev – Update item subtotal and total inline docs. #41160
  • Tweak – Change the default cookie lifetime from 6 months to the length of the session. #41806
  • Tweak – CYS: Update copy. #42703
  • Tweak – Enable shipping suggestions API consumption #42810
  • Tweak – Make the useCampaigns hook support being used with multiple instances. #41211
  • Performance – Prevent second query used to determine real post count from running if paging isn’t being used. #40092
  • Enhancement – Add ability to register Checkbox fields in Checkout Block #42780
  • Enhancement – Call to the store title endpoint to update the store title with an AI generated one #41632
  • Enhancement – CYS – Reset products and pattern when the site doesn’t have AI generated content. #42970
  • Enhancement – CYS – select the right font with AI offline #42973
  • Enhancement – Display more color palettes when AI is not available and update the copy. #41880
  • Enhancement – Enhancement – Improve the AI content generation experience within the CYS onboarding flow. #42800
  • Enhancement – Make CYS loading sequence smoother #41772
  • Enhancement – Move the switch to classic shortcode block button to separate component. #42724
  • Enhancement – Trigger a hook when an order is updated on read from a post record or the post record backfilled. #42866
  • Enhancement – Update the pattern imageSizing to single. #42767

Over de auteur: Dave Loodts

Full-time creatieve maker van doelgerichte websites en webshops sinds 2006 en gek van WordPress en WooCommerce. Actief lid in WordPress Community sinds 2014. Mijn grootste voldoening: ondernemers die succesvol aan de slag gaan met m'n WooCommerce tips.

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